Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Visits of International Scientists

  • Prof. Dr. Michael Godfrey (University of Waterloo, Canada) is visiting for one year, starting August 2011.

  • Dr. Anya Helene Bagge (Institutt for Informatikk Universitetet i Bergen, Norway) was visiting us for one year until October 2011.

  • Prof. Dr. William Cook visited us for a week (University of Texas, U.S.A.)

  • Prof. Dr. Eric van Wyk visited us for one week (University of Minnesota, U.S.A.)

  • Prof. Dr. Terence Parr visited us for two days (University of San Francisco, U.S.A.)

  • Dr. Markus Völter visited us for two days (Germany)

  • Dr. Wolgang Lohmann visited us for a day (EMPA, Switserland)

  • Prof. Dr. Ralf Lämmel visited us for a week (Universität Koblenz-Landau, Germany)

  • Dr. Vlad Rusu visited us several times for two days (INRIA Lille, France)

  • Wietse Venema 2011/2012

  • Randy Fluit 2011

  • Ahmadi Nasab 2010/2011

  • Jouke Stoel 2011

  • Christian Köppe 2011

  • Davy Landman 2011

  • Jan de Mooij 2011